Real estate Real estate
Real estate
The real estate enterprises are facing huge external market challenges, and the profit space of enterprises has dropped sharply. The industry is developing from the speed of development and market scale to the operation and management. You need a one-stop
Industry Characteristics
Business Diversification
More and more real estate enterprises are carrying out diversified layout. Enterprises need to take into account the unity of the group and the particularity of the business sector, develop diversified enterprise business performance plans and analysis models, and support enterprise strategic decisions with accurate and real-time data analysis.

Data Source Is Miscellaneous
Due to the particularity of the real estate industry, the data of enterprises from design, construction to sales are often scattered in independent systems. Enterprises need real-time, automatic and accurate integration of data to help the decision-making level accurately grasp the operation of enterprises.

Long Project Cycle
Land acquisition, project design, project management, marketing management…… The real estate industry has a long project cycle and involves many departments. Enterprises need to dynamically control all links in the industrial chain, effectively manage investment losses and improve profit space.
The Real Estate Industry Has Entered The "New Normal" Era

With the rapid changes in the market, the real estate industry has entered the big test of industry transformation. The real estate enterprises have shifted from mining market dividends to improving their own management level, reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and improving enterprise management dividends.

Enterprises need a unified platform for one-stop management, from medium and long-term strategic planning, to annual business plan, to implementation control, and finally to business analysis. Detail the core objectives of each business unit of the enterprise, build the analysis index model, integrate the scattered financial data of the enterprise, and build the financial data center of the enterprise.

With Keyfunc, we can achieve efficient and accurate data summary, multi-dimensional analysis of data, data drilling, accurate analysis of budget differences, quickly issue concise statements to the management, and improve the value of financial functions.

Assist The Lean Operation Of The Real Estate Industry

With Keyfunc, enterprises can quickly integrate enterprise data assets, organically integrate all aspects of business data such as land acquisition, project planning, project design, procurement management, engineering management, marketing management, product delivery, property services, etc. into a unified data model, establish a unified enterprise performance data model, and establish a unified indicator system, so that the decision-making level of real estate enterprises can grasp the operation of enterprises in real time and accurately, Promote lean operation of enterprises.

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